Data dependencies and relationships

Data dependencies and metamodel relationships

One of the challenges to overcome in the design of subsetting is the identification of metamodel relationships. There are cases where the referential integrity of the database is active. In such situations, icaria TDM can import the relationships (primary keys, foreign keys) from a reference instance of the database.
Alternatively, there is no active referential integrity in the database, and there is no reliable documentation that allows establishing the relationships between database tables.

icaria TDM offers two complementary tools for identifying metamodel relationships:

  1. Static analysis finds relationships between data by evaluating the structure and content of the database
  2. Data dynamics exploration achieves the same result by analyzing the consequences on the database of a user or process actions on the application.

Learn more about data subsetting in this post.

Static Database Analysis

Static database analysis identifies table relationships through statistical estimates from its structure and data. Similar column names, unique indexes, and exclusion rules suggest potential links.

On the other hand, the analysis of data cardinality, the statistical distribution of values, or the level of value matches between candidate fields offer additional information on the possibilities of recognizing a relationship.

Additionally, data cardinality, value distribution, and field matches further inform on relationship possibilities

icaria TDM uses the combined results of both analyses to provide a map of the relationships of the evaluated metamodel. The identified relationships are automatically confirmed by the platform or submitted for user consideration, depending on the configuration parameters of the process.

Static database analysis with icaria TDM

Static database analysis with icaria TDM

Data Dynamics Exploration

icaria TDM's data dynamics exploration is a feature that monitors the consequences on the database of actions taken by a user or process on the application. Thus, in a data exploration session, icaria TDM observes the database modifications (additions, deletions, modifications, and queries, as configured) of database records caused by the actions of the user or process.

Data Dynamics Exploration with icaria TDM

Data Dynamics Exploration with icaria TDM

icaria TDM will organize the database transactions, documenting the functional process. From this information, it constructs the metamodel that supports the functional process executed on the application.

The obtained metamodel is imported into icaria TDM STUDIO, providing the necessary information to configure the data subsetting structures.

The documentation provided by icaria TDM on the data dynamics of the executed process is also useful in the maintenance and evolutionary development of the application.

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