derechos ARCO

What Are ARCO Rights and How to Comply with Them?

ARCO Rights stem from the growing legislative significance of data management and privacy.

What Exactly Are ARCO Rights? How Do They Fit within the European Data Protection Regulation, and What Should Companies Do to Ensure Compliance? Here's everything you need to know.

What Are ARCO Rights?

ARCO Rights encapsulate a set of rights concerning personal information of citizens and its processing by organizations.

In an era where data has become an asset for businesses, ARCO rights safeguard citizen data. Standing for Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Opposition, ARCO rights were updated with the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), replacing the right of cancellation with the right of erasure, and adding rights to processing limitation and data portability.

Today, this rights Include:

Right of Access

Allows citizens to request information from a file's controller about the personal data being processed, its source, and its purpose. Controllers have 30 days to provide this information.

Right of Rectification

Citizens can request the modification of incomplete or inaccurate data. Controllers have 10 days to address this claim.

Right of Erasure

Enables citizens to delete their personal data from a database if it's excessive or subjected to inappropriate or unlawful processing. Controllers have 10 working days to initiate deletion.

Right of Opposition

Citizens can object to the processing of their personal information in unwanted activities, like marketing campaigns or profiling.

Right to Limitation of Processing

Grants the right to prevent modification, deletion, or erasure of citizen data.

Right to Portability

Under data protection regulations, it gives citizens the right to have personal data transferred from one company to another.

GDPR: European Regulations Regarding ARCO Rights

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a law enacted across the European Union to protect personal data of European citizens.

This regulation has updated previous laws, reaffirming the rights of access, rectification, and opposition, and adding rights to erasure, processing limitation, and portability.

Since 2018, it has set requirements for businesses processing EU citizens' personal data, including:

  • Obtaining explicit consent for data processing.
  • Companies must inform individuals about the use of their personal data.
  • Citizens have the right to access, rectify, and delete their data, known as the right to be forgotten.
  • Companies must notify authorities and affected parties if data security is compromised.

These requirements necessitate the implementation of security protocols by design to ensure ARCO rights compliance.

Managing ARCO Rights in Productive Application Environments

The production environment in applications involves implementing adequate security measures to comply with ARCO rights.

Thus, companies must ensure they can handle the need for quality data collection and use while offering guarantees under the European data protection regulation.

Only then is successful deployment and reliable functionality possible, avoiding potential GDPR penalties and gaining user trust.

Regarding productive environments, tools like icaria GDPR support compliance with ARCO rights. This GDPR software facilitates processing, storing, and protecting personal data according to GDPR guidelines automatically through:

  • Data management according to the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Anonymization processes replacing sensitive information with synonyms or pseudonyms or deleting these parts.
  • Identifying the impact of security breaches so businesses know which data has been compromised.

Want to Learn More About ARCO Rights and What Tools to Implement to Ensure Your Company Complies? At icaria Technology, we can help. Contact us, speak with our team, and request a demo of icaria GDPR.
