We are all aware up to a certain point that we have sensitive data in our databases, but do we know where it is stored and what data do we have? To get a better picture of this situation, let’s follow the simile:
Imagine that you move to a new house. You start organizing your home in the best possible way, placing everything as you would like to find it, knowing where you leave your belongings and, in the meanwhile, you discover what you have and create a mental schema of it.
However, now, after five or ten years, you need an inventory of what you own and where it is, plus, you need to know how valuable those objects are, as you don’t want any guest to discover them when they are invited to spend a few days in your house or even to protect it against robbers. During these years, since you moved, you haven’t been the only one who did the cleaning or added and moved stuff, your family also helped. Now, the organization of your house doesn’t have any similarities with the one you modeled the first day.
Then, you begin an inventory process reviewing corner by corner what you have and evaluating how important its protection is.
Something similar happens with databases at companies. There are many people manipulating data, models or testing, and it is possible that even the team who devised the model is no longer working there or that there is no clear record of how it was done. Here is where icaria comes into play, capturing in a Sensitive Data Map the available information and its role.
In this post we will develop the scanning and inventorying process that will response the initial question of this article, where is sensitive data stored? In this stage of the project, with much of the paperwork already formalized, it is time to configure the platform and explore the data model in order to dissociate it in the future. The usual procedure to fulfill this purpose is:
The result of the previous process is the Sensitive Data Map, an inventory of data generated by icaria TDM. This gives a general impression of the location of the data, the type of information they contain and proposes that will anonymize them. In other words, it shows the tables and fields, that could contain sensitive information, whether this information is an ID, telephone number, bank account, etc. and suggest the dissociators included in icaria Mirage to hide the information from prying eyes.
These have been the steps taken to inspect the types of data, but during the procedure, we always detect data stored in a very particular way, which does not follow the standard. This requires customizing the dissociation mechanisms to make the anonymized data look real as it is the production environments. Our recommendation is to run the analysis periodically to check if new sensitive information has been added and if it needs to be dissociated.
Thus, thanks to the efforts of the icaria team and the feedback from the client, we will be able to continue working in the coming weeks to achieve a reliable, fast and precise data masking process.
In the following deliveries we will develop in greater depth the mechanisms of data analysis and the creation of the Sensitive Data Map, as this is a complex but fundamental process for the project, as well as interesting.Also, this is essencial to know where the sentitive data is stored.
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